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Source:SMIEDRelease time:2021-04-06

Minimalism is beauty
"Good design is the most important way for us to keep a gap with our competitors"

Four series of products

M series - wood

The pure color conveys delicate texture, and the details of wood grain move people's hearts; the intersection of cold and warm is the combination of softness and rigidity, and the natural metal sense sets off the retro high-level.

L series - aluminum plate

With German craftsmanship and perfect combination of design sense and practicability, it brings consumers a new door experience, making the times lead the future and changing the times.

S series - rock plate

Simple, simple lines to present a unique style, simple modeling does not lose exquisite beauty, and modern people's home taste is consistent.

T series - copper plate

The more simple, the more not simple, door double-sided different style texture, often can bring refreshing effect, this is the magic of double-sided.

The collision of wood grain and metal color gives an ingenious interpretation of the unique door style.

The minimalist and high-end of our "door" deduces the quality of life and creates a space for people to have an endless aftertaste.